Resource, Plan Your Wedding Matthew Calleja Resource, Plan Your Wedding Matthew Calleja

Why you should get your wedding album printed

I truly believe that there is no better way to relive your wedding day than with a wedding album.

It’s no secret. Wedding photography is a considerable investment as part of your wedding budget. But are you getting the full value out of your wedding photography? In this day and age, everything has gone digital, and as we all know, technology moves very fast.

I believe that you should enjoy your wedding photos, rather than having them buried on some old hard drive somewhere. Your wedding photos are one of the very few things you will get to keep from your wedding (apart from your partner of course!).

Unfortunately, not all couples decide to have their wedding album designed and printed. Copying the photos from one pen drive to another is convenient, but the truth is that most couples either lose their JPEGs or never look at them again.

With all this in mind, I am sharing some reasons why I believe it is 100% worthwhile to invest in a wedding album.

It’s an incredible shared experience with each other, and with family and friends

I’d like to think that when friends and family come over, you will be excited to sit down and share the experience together. Not only this, but having your album within reach on the coffee table, or a shelf in the living room, it will be much easier to pick it up and relive the memories of your wedding day.

There’s nothing quite like seeing your photos in print

I’m pretty sure friends of yours have shown you their holiday or wedding photos on their phone, where you just simply scroll and scroll until the end in a few seconds, without truly appreciating what you were looking at. On the contrary, we become more connected to tangible things once we have been able to touch or hold them in our own hands. Seeing your photos is nice of course, but there is no comparison in the emotional response we feel when flipping through pages of an album.

Your wedding is a unique story

An album is designed to tell your wedding story the way it was intended, something that digital files cannot replicate. Printing your album will allow you to relive the wedding day, from the early hours of the day getting ready at your parent’s house, to the cutting of the cake at the end of the reception.

Printing is safer than storing JPEGs

Remember Hi5 and MySpace? Social platforms change and sometimes, become extinct. Even if you were to upload all your wedding photos to Facebook, how often would you spend time with your family to look at them?

Just a few years ago, everything and anything was stored on CD drives. Pretty sure that you haven’t used a CD in years. I certainly haven’t. Who knows what storage devices we will have in a few years? Truth be told, receiving your photos digitally online is very fast and convenient, that is why it has become the norm nowadays among wedding photographers. However, not all photographers keep their galleries open forever, which is another reason to have your photos printed. It is also very easy to misplace a pen drive or an external drive.

To top it all off, JPEGs quality deteriorate over time, especially when making duplicates of the same image, or changing their location.

Wonderful as gifts

What better way to thank members of your family (i.e parents!) for helping out at your wedding, than with an album. Mini duplicate albums which are smaller copies of your main album are available and I think they are the perfect gift!

Albums Are meant to be enjoyed by future generations

When you receive your wedding album, you are the ones that will get to enjoy it first. But wedding albums are also designed to be enjoyed by all of your family, both present and future. If you have seen photos or an old album of your grandparents, then you know how special they are. Imagine your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren being able to sift through your wedding album many years down the line. It’s a powerful thing that connects people.

This is why the albums I provide will stand the test of time, and they will last decades, not years.

Professionally designed and laid-out, and printed in high quality

There are many options out there, with different price points. As you might understand, a wedding album is an investment, but definitely worthwhile!

It’s a time-consuming process to design a professional album from start to finish, but very rewarding. It is something I take very seriously, and make sure that you are 100% satisfied before the design leaves for print.

I truly believe that there is no better way to relive your wedding day than with a wedding album.

For more information about the wedding albums that I offer, you can have a look here, or if you would like to ask any further questions, simply reach out, I would be more than happy to help.

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